Can't start named, please help

Jim Reid jim at
Tue Mar 12 15:51:38 UTC 2002

>>>>> "Howard" == hories1  <hories1 at> writes:

    Howard> Thanks Jim, I've run the named-checkconf and it produced
    Howard> no output. I assume that it found no errors.  I've removed
    Howard> the rndc config clause from the named.conf since I'm not
    Howard> using Secure Dynamic Update.

Eh? The control channel for rndc has nothing to do with Secure Dynamic
Update. By deleting this, it looks like you're making the name server
look for a non-existent file. And once it finds that file doesn't
exist, it's game over.....

    Howard> Mar 12 09:35:37.161 dns_master_load: db.cache:9: $TTL 2884515328 > MAXTTL, setting $TTL to 0

You should fix this, though it's not fatal. BIND9 checks the TTL is no
more than 2**31-1 (2147483647).

    Howard> Mar 12 09:35:37.217 none:0: open: /etc/rndc.key: file not found

This is probably a fatal error. Try setting up a valid controls{}
statement in named.conf. Use rndc-confgen if you can't follow the

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