Using named_dump.db to preserve cache across reboots

Jim Reid jim at
Mon Mar 11 17:12:52 UTC 2002

>>>>> "Toad" == Toad  <rat_love_cat at> writes:

    >> It's not suitable.  BIND has no built-in provision for
    >> preserving the cache.  named_dump.db is for diagnosing problems
    >> (e.g. finding out who poisoned your cache).

    Toad> That's a shame - I'd hoped that there would be some way to
    Toad> preserve the cache.

Why? What's the point of preserving a cache that is by definition now
out of date? Would you expect the weather forecast to tell you what
the weather was like 2 weeks ago? And if it did, what use would that
be to anyone?

    Toad> Does anyone know if this feature is available for BIND 9, or
    Toad> planned for the future?

It's not. I suppose if you chuck enough money at ISC they might
consider implementing this feature if you can provide convincing
arguments for it. Quoting RFC1925 "With sufficient thrust, pigs fly
just fine." 

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