Simon Waters Simon at wretched.demon.co.uk
Tue Mar 5 13:45:16 UTC 2002

Thomas Mandl wrote:
> Now here's my question: What happens if i have more than 99 changes of the serial numbber per day (as the last two count digits in the serial number increase by one up to 99)?

It will add one to the hundred column, and set ten's column and
units column to 0.

The convention of YYYYMMDDRR is just a convention, the number is
a number.

The convention doesn't make much sense for dynamic zones.

> Q3: I also need to manually add/delete zone records from the BIND 8 master zone files 

You add manual entries using nsupdate. Not RCS/vi or anything

> Q4: When manually editing (see Q3) 

See answer to question 3.

> Q7: My last question: I'd rather like to have the DHCP service running on one of my UNIX boxes, but in this case i'm bound to a Windows 2000 Server. But maybe i can find a technical argument to switch
> over to UNIX DHCP server. How are your practical experinces with the latest ISC BIND server in a heterogenious environment consisting of all flavours of Windows, Linux, SUN/Solaris, etc...

It works ;)

BIND 9 is better for DDNS, it defaults to IXFR, and updates the
serial immediately for every change, unless they have changed 8.

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