Michael Kjorling michael at kjorling.com
Sun Mar 3 11:40:43 UTC 2002

Hash: SHA1

I just had a quick look and it looks good to me. Keep up the good

One thing I would like to mention about the RFC 2317 notes - be sure
to mention that the zone name _can_ differ, and is made up by the ISP
(or whoever controls the /24 in question). It doesn't even have to be
under in-addr.arpa.


Under "How can I get a list of all domains delegated to a certain name
server?": getting a list of all second level domains isn't enough. It
depends on what one means with "domain". For example, for a while I
had a fifth-level zone delegated to my systems, from a third-level
zone which in turn belonged into a SLD that I own.

"I'm having problems BIND on Windows": the answer for this one is a
little bit harsh, in my opinion. I can put one together if you like.
(Running BIND on Windows myself, for the internal caching server. No
flame wars, please :-))

And a few general suggestions. You might want to link
"comp.protocols.dns.bind" to the newsgroup
(news://comp.protocols.dns.bind), Also, providing a link directly to
the ISC's BIND lists page might be beneficial.

Michael Kjörling

On Mar 3 2002 03:11 -0800, Doug Barton wrote:

> How do I configure reverse zones? (including RFC 2317)

- -- 
Michael Kjörling  --  Programmer/Network administrator  ^..^
Internet: michael at kjorling.com -- FidoNet: 2:204/254.4   \/
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