Port udp/1094 with BIND 9.2.1

dbotham at edeltacom.com dbotham at edeltacom.com
Fri Jun 14 19:04:50 UTC 2002


Bind uses an ephemeral port number as the source port for its queries.
This can be changed with the query-source option...

However, by default, what you are seeing is perfectly normal.  Changing it
back to port 53 helps pass dns through firewalls and stuff like that.... :)

Hope this helps.


|         |           Bernhard Schmidt |
|         |           <bschmidt at cyberne|
|         |           t-ag.net>        |
|         |           Sent by:         |
|         |           bind-users-bounce|
|         |           @isc.org         |
|         |                            |
|         |                            |
|         |           06/14/2002 09:08 |
|         |           AM               |
|         |                            |
  |                                                                                                                              |
  |       To:       comp-protocols-dns-bind at isc.org                                                                              |
  |       cc:                                                                                                                    |
  |       Subject:  Port udp/1094 with BIND 9.2.1                                                                                |

Hi everyone,

my freshly installed bind also listens on port udp/1094. I can't find
any comments neither in the documentation nor in google-groups what this
port is used for and how to disable it.

BIND 9.2.1 on FreeBSD 4.5-STABLE, sockstat says:

bind     named      352    8 udp46  *:1094                *:*

How can I disable this?

Bernhard Schmidt, Network Operation Center
Cybernet Internet-Dienstleistungen AG
Stefan-George-Ring 19-23, D-81929 Muenchen

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