Special forwarding

Pete Ehlke pde at ehlke.net
Tue Jun 4 12:19:25 UTC 2002

On Mon, Jun 03, 2002 at 09:37:11PM -0400, Éric Allard wrote:
> 1. I would like my private dns answering informations
> about the private entries from itself and the public entries from
> the private dns. We have to tell that when the entries are not
> on the private dns, these informations are public and are on
> the public dns and want my private dns asking the public dns
> for these informations.
> 2. I want the public dns answering only information
> about the public dns (if these informations are private
> informations, I don't want to propagate these
> informations from my public dns).
> In other words, I want my private dns answering with its own
> zone files when it has the information about a zone and ask
> the public dns when it doesn't have the information about this
> same zone but not the opposite.
> Is that possible?
> How can I do that?
No, that's not possible. If a server is authoritative for a zone, then
by definition it holds all the information about that zone, and will not
forward queries. What you can do is periodicly consolidate the public
and private data, and publish all of it on the private server.


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