Split DNS with BIND 8 with one server?

Pete Ehlke pde at ehlke.net
Thu Jul 4 12:13:52 UTC 2002

On Thu, Jul 04, 2002 at 07:42:22AM +0000, SpitsOnSpammers wrote:
> >Yes, you're missing most of page 298 ;)
> >
> >listen-on is usually used to tell different instances to bind to port 53
> >on specific interfaces, instead of on every interface available.
> >Configuring an alternate port is a rarely used option.
> Okay, I read that part about it being a rarely used option but I didn't know if
> that was what he was suggesting (i.e. that this was one of those "rare
> occasions").  Where can I find examples of BIND 8 configuration files to bind
> two named instances to separate IPs on the same physical machine?
Well, it should be pretty easily inferred from what's been said so far.
Create a zone file for each description of your zone. Create two
named.conf files, each with a listen-on directive for the appropriate
interface, and reading your zone out of the file that describes the data
you want to publish on the interface specified in listen-on. Then start
two copies of named, one reading each config file. Depending on your
needs, you'll probably want to log each instance to different files, as

If you need precise, step-by-step instructions, I imagine google will be
of help.


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