comprehensive nsupdate document

Mark_Andrews at Mark_Andrews at
Sat Jul 27 00:16:36 UTC 2002

> Has anyone got a copy of a comprehensive nsupdate document? I'm
> looking for something with more information than the manpages. Preferably 
> something with varying examples of modifying nameservice records 
> (adding/deleting, A, HINFO, MX). Thanks,
> - Uyi

	# add a MX record for foo.example.
	update add foo.example. 3600 IN MX 10 smtp.example.

	# delete all HINFO records at foo.example.
	update delete foo.example. IN HINFO

	# delete a specific MX record at foo.example.
	update delete foo.example. IN MX 5 smtp.example.

	# add a HINFO record
	update add foo.example. 3600 IN HINFO Dell FreeBSD

	# delete all records at foo.example.
	update delete foo.example.

	If you know how to add a record in a zone file you should
	be able to add it via nsupdate by prepending "update add".
	Note all records are to be on one line.

	To delete a specific record, prepend "update delete" to the

Mark Andrews, Internet Software Consortium
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET: Mark.Andrews at

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