can't open '/dns/etc/named.conf'

David C. Kleinman david at
Wed Jul 17 22:26:20 UTC 2002

I inherited a chrooted dns environment and wanted to upgrade from bind 8.2.3
to 8.3.3 (on rh 7.2).

I compiled after setting the linux port setting to:
'CDEBUG=-O -g'
'LEX=flex -8 -I'
'YACC=yacc -d'
'PS=ps -p'
'AR=ar crus'

After installation the server restart failed with the following error:

[root at fatmama sbin]#/etc/rc.d/init.d/named start
can't open '/dns/etc/named.conf'
[root at fatmama sbin]# /dns/sbin/named -u named -g named -t /dns
can't open '/dns/etc/named.conf'

Yet the file is there.
[root at fatmama sbin]# file /dns/etc/named.conf
/dns/etc/named.conf: ASCII C++ program text

Please help.


David C. Kleinman, Unix Systems Administrator
david at

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