BIND 9.2.1 MINTTL Problem (and Solution)

Jim Reid jim at
Wed Jul 3 21:14:23 UTC 2002

>>>>> "Barry" == Barry Finkel <b19141 at> writes:

    Barry> I had not read the migration notes, but I knew about the
    Barry> $TTL directive, which I have in all of my master zones.  I
    Barry> read the migration notes, and these notes would not have
    Barry> helped me with this problem.

They should have made it straightforward to figure out the problem. The
BIND9 server loaded old zone files that did not have a $TTL directive
or an explicit TTL on the SOA record. That's what caused the warning
message in the logs. Those slave zone files didn't have these things
because they were old, perhaps dating from the time before BIND fully
supported RFC2308 semantics. So the question then becomes how to get
new zone files on the slave server(s) that include the missing TTL: ie
a forced transfer for each of those zones. If you'd moved those old
files out of the way before starting named, the server would have
performed zone transfers and then written out fresh copies of the zone
files. These would include the missing TTL, which would shut up the
server the next time it was restarted and loaded those zone files.

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