dig +trace problems

Will Yardley &- at no.spam.veggiechinese.net
Mon Jul 15 19:39:10 UTC 2002

Why does dig +trace fail on this:
jazz% dig +trace ilove.lancaster.pa.us. 

; <<>> DiG 9.3.0s20020703 <<>> +trace ilove.lancaster.pa.us.
;; global options:  printcmd
.                       112110  IN      NS      G.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
.                       112110  IN      NS      H.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
.                       112110  IN      NS      I.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
.                       112110  IN      NS      J.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
.                       112110  IN      NS      K.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
.                       112110  IN      NS      L.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
.                       112110  IN      NS      M.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
.                       112110  IN      NS      A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
.                       112110  IN      NS      B.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
.                       112110  IN      NS      C.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
.                       112110  IN      NS      D.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
.                       112110  IN      NS      E.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
.                       112110  IN      NS      F.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
;; Received 308 bytes from in 7 ms

us.                     172800  IN      NS      A.GTLD.BIZ.
us.                     172800  IN      NS      B.GTLD.BIZ.
us.                     172800  IN      NS      C.GTLD.BIZ.
;; Received 143 bytes from in 272 ms

dig: couldn't get address for 'B.GTLD.BIZ': not found

I can still get a response from C.GTLD.BIZ. - why does it fail on not
being able to find the address for b.gtld.biz? shouldn't it ask
c.gtld.biz and continue?

As an aside, these are the servers that are supposedly authoritative for

NS1.NEULEVEL.biz.       7200    IN      A
NS2.NEULEVEL.biz.       7200    IN      A
NS3.NEULEVEL.biz.       7200    IN      A
NS4.NEULEVEL.biz.       7200    IN      A

however, at least one of these servers doesn't seem to have a glue
record for b.gtld.biz:

jazz% dig b.gtld.biz. @

; <<>> DiG 9.3.0s20020703 <<>> b.gtld.biz. @
;; global options:  printcmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 31453
;; flags: qr aa rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 0

;b.gtld.biz.                    IN      A

gtld.biz.               1800    IN      SOA     ns1.neulevel.biz.
sec_grp.neustar.com. 1026699675 10800 3600 1209600 43200

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