Why does AXFR have records in it that are not in the zone file

phn at icke-reklam.ipsec.nu phn at icke-reklam.ipsec.nu
Fri Jul 12 16:33:54 UTC 2002

Rowan Smith <usenet at smith.gen.nz> wrote:

> When performing a zone-transfer using "dig zone.name axfr" I get
> entries in the output that are not in the master servers zone file.

> These always have a decreasing (non-static) TTL.

> The key issue is that when my secondary nameserver does a zone
> transfer it gets these entries and writes them out to disk and they
> then become static at whatever value the primary supplied it with at
> that point in time.

> Why is my nameserver passing this information along with a zone
> transfer when it is not directly in the zone file on the disk?

Sound like a very old nameserver. Whats the master running ?

> Thanks.

> -Rowan

Peter Håkanson         
        IPSec  Sverige      ( At Gothenburg Riverside )
           Sorry about my e-mail address, but i'm trying to keep spam out,
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