TXT records

Nitin Khurana nkhurana at novell.com
Tue Jul 2 04:05:16 UTC 2002

Thanks for the advice but I have tried the wire format also, I have
encoded the string in the length and then the string pair and sent it
using the res_send but still it gives me the same format error.....
its like this.
Mark is encoded as 0x04Mark\0
I hope this is correct.

Could you please let me know how I can solve this problem.

Thanks & Regards,
Nitin Khurana.

>>> <Mark.Andrews at isc.org> 07/02/02 07:39AM >>>

> > I am having a problem in updating a TXT record using res_update
> in
> > BIND 8.2.3, it gives me a FORMERR, I have set the class to IN,
> t-
> > T_TXT and the RR owner that is the r_dname parameter to
> > host.blr.novell.com and the r_data parameter to the text string
> > "something", but it gives me a format error in the r_data.
> Where as I am able to update the same record using the nsupdate
> utility. Could someone tell me as to what should be the format of
> rdata section for the txt record if I just want to put a string say
> "something"??
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards,
> Nitin Khurana.

	The answer depends upon the age of your resolver library.

	I suspect that you have a old resolver library so you will
	need to use "wire format".

	wire format:
	<length octet> <string> [<length octet> <string> ...]

Mark Andrews, Internet Software Consortium
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET: Mark.Andrews at isc.org

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