BIND - sorting of reverse domain.

Pete Ehlke pde at
Wed Jul 10 01:58:16 UTC 2002

On Tue, Jul 09, 2002 at 10:01:17PM +0000, D. Stussy wrote:
[142 lines deleted. furrfu. Does nobody understand trimming any more? ]
> Of course, with the idiots here, I would expect no less than the above response
> - to subscribe to some sort of mailing list (which I assume that it is in
> absence of other statements) without telling me where the list is homed.
That's it. You claimed that you were 'not here to bash anyone', but your
posts have been full of more gratuitous insults than this group has seen
since the last time Dan Bernstein graced us with his presence. Perhaps,
had you bothered to take the time it took to whine that 'idiots' had
failed to hold your hand and instead simply placed the string
'bind-workers' into a google search form, you would have been able to
locate for *yourself* the forum that is appropriate to the discussion of
BIND's internals that you seem to want to have. But then again, one
shouldn't be surprised at this point, since you've not yet missed an
opportunity to hurl invective and insults at people who expect you to do
some work for yourself instead of force feeding you from an eyedropper.

Of course, once you do find the bind-workers list, you'll be expected to
actually read and understand the code, the RFCs, and the full range of 
environments that BIND has to support before you spout incoherent, classroom 
discussions of algorithms 101. And nobody will be impressed with your 
tour-de-force argument of 'I don't need to read the code, I just need to 
observe a tiny subset of its functionality.'

In the meantime, though, welcome to my .procmailrc. You'll be quite
comfy in there, cozy and warm right next to Chuck Forsberg, Bob Allisat,
Serder Argic, Jack Schmidling, and Bernstein. In fact, at this point I'm
starting to wonder if maybe you *are* Schmidling.

furrfu. *plonk*


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