pop3 server for mx record

Marc Storck marc at storck.org
Fri Jan 25 23:00:42 UTC 2002


you should read a little bit about how email works!!! especially when you 
want to administrate that server yourself!

OK he a short snapshot:

mail for domain example.com is sent to the MX record for that domain, MX 
record refers to a server where an smtp daemon is accepting mails for the 
domain example.com. The smtp daemon then stores the message in the 
recipients mailbox, where the pop3/imap4 daemon can fetch them an deliver 
them to the clienr, the client of course is running on the customers 
machine. and in fact smtp and pop3/imap4
daemons are running on one and the same servers!

If you didn't understand what I told you above, extend my first advice and 
read A WHOLE LOT about servers, networking, routing, DNS, mail daemon, etc 

At the end you will find the solution yourself!


At 11:05 25.01.2002 -0800, Keith Ng wrote:
>Hi all.
>I am just wonder if the mx record in the dns server refer to the pop3/imap
>server within that domain.
>I was told that the mx record is the smtp server instead.
>If that is the case, how does messges know which pop3/imap server should
>delivery to.
>Thanks in advance

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