Problem with Classless IN-ADDR.ARPA delegation

Guillaume Laurès glaures at
Thu Jan 10 08:49:01 UTC 2002

le mer 09-01-2002 =E0 22:30, Mark Damrose a =E9crit :
> You included the wrong snippet from named.conf, but aside from that I can=
Yeah, sorry, here is the relevant snippet:

zone "" {
        type master;
        file "";

> see anything wrong with your setup.  When I query your server, I get the
> answers I expect.

How do you query it to get the information ? I'm curious about that.

> The one thing I do see is that the servers for
> delegate to =
> a CNAME to  NS records should point to A records.
> Either make an A record, or have the owners of
> delegate to
Yes, and probably the fact that my ISP servers delegate to a name (the
CNAME) and that my server answers on behalf of another (the A) make
other dns have doubts about the accuracy of my server's answer.
I'm going to ask my ISP to change their records to the A record
(actually I did this too, all ns records of our zones were using this
very CNAME, and as bind complained in the logs I changed that).

Again, how did you check to which dns my ISP's is delegating the
classless reverse zone ?

Thanks a lot !
Guillaume Laur=E8s
Responsable Syst=E8mes et Techniques - EBI
Tel [33](0)1 46 29 68 24
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