can I divide directory to subdirectories

Garrett Meiers gm-ml at
Thu Jan 10 00:26:19 UTC 2002

I accomplished setting up Internal and External services by running two copies
of the deamon.

I have a /var/named-int and a /var/named-ext directories that contain all of
the zone information.  I also have a /etc/named-int.conf and an
/etc/named-ext.conf  each configured to use the appropriate directories.

I had to use the:  listen-on {; }   directive to bind each
instance to an IP alias since I'm behind a firewall and am using port
forwarding to forward external requests to one of the IP aliases on my server. 
Internal hosts use a different IP aliases for DNS.

Once you do this, it's just a matter of starting each deamon;

named -c /etc/named-int.conf
named -c /etc/named-ext.conf

I think V9 is able to handle multiple zones with one server -- but I haven't
looked at that yet.

This is working great for me..  


On Wed, 09 Jan 2002 19:03:22 -0500, Kevin Darcy wrote:

>vietanh1977 wrote:
>> Hello
>> I wonder if I can divide directory ,which is wrote in option of named.conf file, to subdirectories to store difference my zone file.
>> for example:
>> In my named.conf I have option
>> directory "/var/named/"
>> I want to divide this directory to subdirectories as:
>> internal
>> external
>> In two subdirectories, I will make zone files for my external network and my internal network.
>Sure, you can put the zone files anywhere you want, subject to the regular relative-versus-absolute-versus-chroot restrictions of your
>OS. In fact, if you are using "view"s, I believe you can specify a different "directory" option for each "view" (although you may not
>want to because that might make things inconvenient if someday you want to have a directory containing zonefiles which are loaded into
>*both* "view"s).
>                                                                                                                                - Kevin

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