syntax and reasons of generation of DNS query ??

Mark Damrose mdamrose at
Sat Jan 5 15:59:53 UTC 2002

"Aparna" <aparna at> wrote in message
news:a16r72$6gv at
> I am new to  DNS  and am sorry to ask such a silly question but can anyone
> please tell me
> 1) what are the various ways in which i can generate a DNS query ?

Too numerous to mention.  What are you trying to do?

> I have  just heard of "nslookup" and "dig" and "host" but
> 2) what is or where can i find the exact syntax to use the above ( they
> like commands to me !! )

They are commands - or more precisely they are programs to do dns lookups -
usually used for testing your dns setup.  These 3 are usually available on
unix systems.  nslookup is also included with Windows NT.  Other programs
can be found for other OS.  There are also numerous web gateways to the
above programs.

> 3)what other possible  reasons  could be for  a DNS query  other than the
> only one i can imagine " when user types a domain name in the web browser

Your imagination is severly limited.  E-mail, news, ftp.  The Internet and
DNS existed long before the web.

> I hope someone finds time to reply bcoz it  will really help me a lot.
> Thanx in advance
> Aparna.

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