Please be gentle

ComCity mikeb at
Fri Jan 4 22:14:36 UTC 2002

Danny said:
> What tells you that TCP port 53 is down? What are you using for monitoring
> software? What makes you think that there's a problem with the nameserver?
> Why can't you monitor it anymore?

Using Mediahouse Live Stats and it says TCP port Failed for DNS, Nameserver
UDP port is up.  I confirmed that with a Port scanner which sees port 53 tcp
and udp up but says the software "closed the connection" on tcp port 53.
Don't know it to be a problem with the Nameserver.  Actually, I don't think
it is the nameserver...just ruling it out.  I was originally thinking is was
some kind of Trojan.  I can't use the monitoring software because it says
the nameserver is down and its not really "completely" down.    Therefore, I
get a false positive on the nameservers state all the time.  We started
seeing the problem when we did the Microsoft "NT security roll-up".

If you got any ideas, I would pursue them.

> >First question:  Does anyone know why this could be occurring
> No, since you haven't shown us WHAT the perceived problem is.  Aren't
> any logs?

No, not really any logs.  I used the NSLookup tool on the PortScanner that
lets you do an SOA or other type of query using either TCP or UDP.  UDP is
fine, but if I toggle to TCP, I get no response and the error message is:
Error Receiving Data.  Timed Out.

> >So, given this problem, I guess I'm forced to look for a resolution and
> >"create new problems".  So, I went looking for the next version but it
> >doesn't appear that a post-compiled version of Bind exists anymore for
> >And, I know that Microsoft now distributes some form of Bind or a
> >with the Operating System.  So that brings up the next question:
> BIND 8.2.5 for Win32 and BIND 9.2.0 for Win32 is available from the ISC
> site: for details.

I actually went there before I did my post and I didn't find any Win32
binarys for 9.2.0 on that site.  I just went there and double checked....and
they don't exist...but I did find the 8.2.5 so that should work.  Thanks.

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