Resolving MX records

Pete Ehlke pde at
Thu Jan 3 00:19:49 UTC 2002

* <webs-uk at> said, on [020102 15:08]:
> I am trying to write an email sender in Java. I have worked out that I need
> to get the MX info for the destination so that I can conect to the SMTP
> server.
> I have looked at several RFCs such as RFC883. and others and have worked out
> that I can send a datagramme to a DNS to query it for the MXinfo.
While I applaud your initiative, particularly if this is an exercise to
teach yourself about java, dns, and smtp, I'd have to ask: why are you
writing such a thing from scratch? There are literally thousands of them
out there already that have been tested, debugged, and refined. You
might even find answers to your question by reading some of that code.


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