Dynamic ip nsupdate

Jim Reid jim at rfc1035.com
Thu Aug 8 19:08:32 UTC 2002

>>>>> "Raul" == Raul Sanchez Sanchez <raul at dif.um.es> writes:

    Raul> I have installed bind 8.3.3 from apt in a woody and when i
    Raul> try to update whith nsupdate i have this message:

    Raul> # /usr/bin/nsupdate -v -k  /etc/Kgnudip-key.+157+00000.private
    Raul> > update add prueba.ade.com. 60 A

    Raul> dns_request_createvia: address family not supported

    Raul> i don't know where is the problem, can anybody help me?

The "address family not supported" error message should be a Big Clue
to the source of the problem. You're trying to use network protocols
that are not supported by the kernel. I'll guess you have an IPv6
address for the loopback interface mentioned somewhere -- /etc/hosts?
-- but your kernel doesn't have IPv6 support switched on. In short,
nsupdate tried to set up an IPv6 socket for the loopback interface to
speak to named but the OS doesn't know how to handle IPv6 packets.

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