Multiple PTR or not?

jeff donovan jdonovan at
Wed Aug 7 14:35:50 UTC 2002

in response to my questions yesterday REF: " setting up a new domain"
Kevin Darcy had asked me if i *need* to have multiple pointer records .
I'm not sure.

I have have 2 domains that need to share the same address space
I have 1 dns server which must host ns.domain1 & ns.domain2
all address space is shared between the two domains. eg,...

host1.domain1	IN	A
host1.domain2	IN	A

I understand fully the New Zone files i must create for the forward 
lookup,..but it gets confusing to me when i have to do a reverse. if 
a user uses domain1 or domain2 they should both return the same IP. 
However,...if a user types in the ip,...I suspect it should return 
both entries.

I have read through the Archives that many apps  don't use the second 
entry ( I guess they are poorly written ).

Can i use two PTR records? is there a better method to accomplish this task?

any info would be helpful.



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