"Hidden" Primary DNS

Jim Reid jim at rfc1035.com
Thu Aug 29 19:32:55 UTC 2002

>>>>> "Robert" == Robert Kropiewnicki <robert.kropiewnicki at structuredweb.com> writes:

    Robert> I'm not quite sure at what you're getting at here.
    Robert> Shouldn't an admin know what the programs running on his
    Robert> server are doing regardless of whether it's one large
    Robert> comprehensive apps or a number of small, inter-related
    Robert> apps?

Of course! But life's not like that. How many admins *really* know
what runs on their systems or what that stuff is for? Or keep up to
date with patches. Or take regular backups. Or.... I've lost count of
the number of places where I've seen UNIX systems running all sorts of
foul crap because that was the way the OS came out of the box when it
was installed. "BIND4 must be OK, because that's what was shipped with

This thread now has little to do with BIND. It should either be moved
elsewhere or take off-line.

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