Can someone post a good clean CACHE.DNS file?

phn at phn at
Wed Apr 24 20:13:31 UTC 2002

Alex Batson <alex.batson at> wrote:
> Can someone post a copy of a good CACHE.DNS from a WindowsNT4 platform?
> Should my cache have the root-servers names in it, or the JGLD ones, and
> what's the difference?

Create it yourself : 
dig . ns > cache.dns

> What would cause my DNS to stop resolving certain domains until the server
> is stoped & restarted?   A good example, is that CNN.COM is always one of
> the ones that stops resolving, until  the service is bounced...

One cause (don't laugh) is :using NT nameserver. It's broken, one
of the brokenness is that it will happily replace the contents of
cache.dns which whatever it considers beeing "a list of root-nameservers".
And it does so without telling You. This is userfriendlyness a la Gates.

> --alex

Peter Håkanson         
        IPSec  Sverige      (At the Riverside of Gothenburg, home of Volvo)
           Sorry about my e-mail address, but i'm trying to keep spam out.
	   Remove "icke-reklam" and it works.

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