Having Trouble with Reverse Map in Child Zone.

Martin McCormick martin at dc.cis.okstate.edu
Tue Apr 2 03:51:56 UTC 2002

Barry Margolin writes:
>Tell us the real domains and we'll be able to tell you what's wrong.

	The zone is okstate.edu and the child domain is presently
called testnet2.okstate.edu.  I have two A records defined on our
master dns as testdns1.testnet2.okstate.edu and

	After the SOA information in our zone, I have our usual
master and slave NS records as in:

  IN   NS   ns.cis.okstate.edu.
  IN   NS   ns2.cis.okstate.edu.
testnet2   IN   NS   testdns1.testnet2.okstate.edu.
testnet2   IN   NS   testdns2.testnet2.okstate.edu.
222.78.139.IN-ADDR.ARPA    IN    ns  testdns1.testnet2.okstate.edu.
222.78.139.IN-ADDR.ARPA    IN    ns  testdns2.testnet2.okstate.edu.

	That's it.  The forward lookups for
anybody.testnet2.okstate.edu work as expected and I can do a dig
directly at to get a reverse A record and I do get
it.  I simply can't do something like

dig @ns.cis.okstate.edu -x

which, when I last checked, was a valid A record in their zone,
but it only had a TTL of 15 minutes.  It was good at the time I
checked it and our master DNS still couldn't see it.

	The child DNS is a Microsoft product but seems to be
working so far.

Martin McCormick

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