Please help?

Danny Mayer mayer at
Tue Sep 25 18:13:06 UTC 2001

At 12:29 PM 9/25/01, Adam \(Snowboard\) wrote:
>I am a new user to bind and have just installed a new version of bind 8.2.4-REL-NT2 on Windows NT 4.00.1381 and am getting the error:
>can't open c:\winnt\system32\dns\etc\named.conf 
>when I try to start up the service. The file does exist in the directory c:\winnt\system32\dns\etc\ but for some reason the bind can't access/open it. I have no idea why this is happening. I have looked at the permissions and the file is archive and everyone has full control over it. I have tried uninstalling bind and reinstalling it and still no luck. Do I have to do anything special to BIND after I install it for it to read the file? Or should it just read it in the etc directory by default?

Go to a DOS prompt and type:
>dir c:\winnt\system32\dns\etc\named.conf 

and see if you see it.  If not, then you must have misnamed it. It's easy to type
a comma instead of a period and be unable to tell.

If you do see the file, you need to go to Windows Explorer, right-click over
the file and go to properties. Look in the Security tab for permissions for the file.
You need to make sure that SYSTEM has at least read access to the file and
directory.  All this assumes that this is an NTFS disk.  If its a FAT disk, it can
always be read.


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