Non_coperative nameserver

Brad Knowles brad.knowles at
Mon Sep 24 08:06:22 UTC 2001

At 1:05 AM -0600 9/24/01, Bharat Rawat Binwal wrote:

>  Can we set any MINIMUM TTL value in BIND,so that even if any RR with TTL
>  less than this value return as an answer i can store it to my value
>  If BIND dont rpovide this kind of facility or configuration can u
>  suggest any other nameserver with this kind of offer

	Sure.  BIND is open source, and you can modify the code in any 
way you want.  Of course, any modifications like this that you make 
will not be incorporated into the mainline code, so as new versions 
come out (either to fix previously unknown security holes or to 
provide new or better functionality) you will have to decide whether 
you are going to stick with your privately hacked version or whether 
you upgrade and then perhaps re-apply your hack.

	My suggestion is to simply give up on this idea.  It's not a good 
one to start with (people generally have good reason to set the TTLs 
that they have), and it is likely to cause far more pain than it 
could possibly salve.

Brad Knowles, <brad.knowles at>


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