nsupdate error reading key

Danny Mayer mayer at gis.net
Sat Sep 22 13:18:56 UTC 2001

At 05:13 AM 9/21/01, Bernd Dorn wrote:

>i have problems with reading the key via the -k option with bind8 nsupdate
>i'm running bind 9.1.3 on freebsd 4.3 stable
>i tried with the bind9 version of nsupdate and it works
>i need to get it running with the bind 8 version of nsupdate - so that i 
>can use it on win32 - there seems to be no bind9 version for win32

There is a bind 9 version for win32.  Just no binary kit generally available yet.
Fetch the latest version of BIND 9.2.0rc? and build it.

>i tried the following:
>generate keys with dnskeygen
>generate keys with dnssec-keygen
>using: nsupdate -k /thepath:Kmonty.
>i get: dst_read_key: error reading key
>i tried all: with the dot, without the dot, the whole name of the key 
>(both .private and .key) , chmod 777 on the keys ...
>i don't think that this is a server problem, because the client tries to 
>read the key before trying to connect to the server

Try using the BIND 8 version of dnskeygen to generate a key and try that one.


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