Can I "re-delegate" an already delegated zone?

Richard Roberto rroberto at
Thu Sep 20 20:27:06 UTC 2001


I have a situation I'm trying to test.  I have an internal DNS serving some
private domains, mostly for testing.  The top level is (not
the real, but an internal version of it, which makes this a
little goofy).

Anyway, we have sparc 4 running netbsd delegating sub domains, but we seem
to have forgotten the password :-(

I want to test a dynamic DNS thingy that allows us to register our ISP
addresses, and have that served by a separate host.  The problem is that the
current server (FreeBSD running BIND 8.2.3) has the delegation and the new
server (Win2k) will actually have the correct data.  I tried just forwarding
the zone with:

zone "" {
	type forward;
	forward first;
	forwarders {;};

But it seems that our recursive server (Solaris 2.5.1 running BIND 8.2.3)
doesn't get the data from the win2k box, but instead gets a SERVFAIL.

If I dig against the FreeBSD box directly, I get the correct responses, but
if I dig against the Solaris box (which gets the delegation from the server telling it to ask the FreeBSD box), it fails.  It looks
like the FreeBSD box is not recursing and sending back the response, but
instead sending back a referral to the internal root.  It looks like the
recursive server is not sending requests with the recursion desired bit set.

Is this correct?  I can't tell since I don't have anything that can inspect
the headers of the DNS packets to tell me :-(

I also realize that since this is a closed DNS, that may be causing my

Anyway, if anyone can tell me if this, however baked, can actually work, I'd
be extremely grateful.  I can always break into the BSD box with a CD, but
would rather not.

Thanks in advance,


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