nsupdate++? basic DDNS zone maintenance tool?

David Carmean dlc-bu at halibut.com
Thu Sep 20 19:48:11 UTC 2001


I'm trying to get away from the ugliness of my current setup, 
which repeatedly runs h2n against a hostfile to recreate three or 
four forward and about 120 in-addr.arpa zones for each modification :o)

I want to use DDNS (and already have servers configured such that 
nsupdate works correctly) to avoid the usual simultaneous zonefile 
access and syntax error problems.  But I need (want) something 
that's just a slight step up from nsupdate.

For example, I want all add requests to automagically have nxdomain prereq 
set, or at least nxrrset for A records unless overridden by 
a --force flag or similar.  I also need it to deal with the 
fact that from the point of view of nsupdate, BIND silently 
ignores an update that would result in a "CNAME and OTHER data" 
record.  And I'd love if it would automagically maintain the 
appropriate reverse PTR records.

So, basically, I need nsupdate + a few simple business rules, 
preferrably with a command-line and batch-mode interface.  
Is anyone aware of such a tool?



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