DNS Problem related to hotmail.com

Brad Knowles brad.knowles at skynet.be
Thu Sep 20 09:25:05 UTC 2001

At 11:21 AM +0200 9/20/01, Rehan Ahmed wrote:

>  From their end, hotmail mx records came perfect with our dns and he 
>can telnet
>  their mailserver on 25 port. I checked all the options and now too much fed
>  up.

	First off, you don't give us any details of your servers, what 
version of what programs you're running, etc....  So we're completely 
in the dark as to whether or not there might be a problem with one of 
the machines that we can see with standard debugging tools, or a 
problem that we might be aware of with regards to a particular 
version of a particular program.

	Provide some real information, and someone might be able to actually help.

	Moreover, you're asking a question regarding the operation of 
sendmail on a mailing list/newsgroup about BIND (a nameserver 
package).  You would be much better suited to asking this question on 
a mailing list or newsgroup related to sendmail.

Brad Knowles, <brad.knowles at skynet.be>


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