Looking for a Bind speaker at Rubi-con 2002

Denis Baldwin dbaldwin at caeinc.com
Tue Sep 4 17:17:40 UTC 2001

Please don't regard this as spam, as I am asking this specifically of a Bind

We, the core group of Rubi-con, a conference held annually in Detroit,
Michigan covering all things technology, are looking for a speaker/presenter
to talk about DNS and Bind. Many of our 400+ expected attendees who have
attended past conferences have requested bind speakers and are demanding
information on making bind secure and administrating bind. Is anyone
interested in something like this? If so, please e-mail me off list at
dbaldwin at caeinc.com.  Rubi-con 2002 will be held April 5th - 7th at the
Romulus Marriot in Detroit, Michigan.

Thanks for listening.


Denis A. Baldwin (A+/MCP/I-Net+/Net+/CCA/CIW)
Network Administrator, CAE, Inc.
810-231-9373, ext. 229
dbaldwin at caeinc.com

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