nsupdate - flatfiles

Waltner, Steve swaltner at lsil.com
Wed Oct 10 17:18:47 UTC 2001

Why do you care what the contents of the file are? BIND has complete control
of the file. In BIND 8, it appears to store the data in a hash order
(pseudo-random), while BIND 9 appears to write the file as (SOA, NS, all
others sorted alphabetically by record name). Neither of these are required
though. You will need to do a zone transfer and sort it yourself. You can
use the printzone script located on http://homepage.mac.com/swaltner/dns/ to
do this, or roll your own axfr/sort routine.


> ----------
> From: 	ka
> Sent: 	Wednesday, October 10, 2001 12:53 AM
> To: 	comp-protocols-dns-bind at moderators.isc.org
> Subject: 	nsupdate - flatfiles
> Hi,
> I'm using bind 8, I can do an nsupdate.
> How can I transfer the data into the flatfiles without restarting named??
> and the data should be organized eg by IP address.  Is that possible?
> How is that implemented in bind 9??
> Thx
> Kristof Loots

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