RHL71, Webmin 0.88 and BIND 9

Will Yardley william+dns at hq.newdream.net
Wed Oct 3 00:12:25 UTC 2001

Phlip Wards wrote:
> Why two? I don't know how to keep internal records and external
> records separate using a single copy of named. So I setup one copy of
> named using it's own set of records and bound named to my external
> interface. So people on the Internet can use smtp.mydomain.com and it
> will resolve to the external address of my mail server.
> I setup another copy of named using its own set of records and bound
> it to my internal interface. Now people on the LAN can use
> smtp.maximsoftware.com and it will resolve to the internal address of
> my mail server.

cricket's article on the subject.


i would also check the bind9 arm for information on views.  i haven't
messed with views yet, but i would imagine it to be a much simpler /
better way to handle the situation you describe.


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