question to the bind9 developers

Jim Reid jim at
Mon Nov 26 18:37:02 UTC 2001

>>>>> "Robi" == Robi  <eris at> writes:

    Robi> I agree. The only problem is, that in the current situation
    Robi> one man can not keep up with the demands of our
    Robi> customers. They are pretty numerous.  On the other hand, our
    Robi> config-changers are mostly not technicians, but
    Robi> administratively-thinking people, so we have to find the
    Robi> middle-way between them, and us. We try to make everything
    Robi> as secure as possible, but also as fool-proof as possible.

Too bad it's not fool-proof enough to prevent duplicate zone{} statements...

    >> So fix your procedures to prevent this from happening. This is
    >> a local problem with your administrative processes and change
    >> control and auditing procedures. Fix them.

    Robi> As above. The solution will probably be a hidden primary.

This fixes nothing. Syntax errors in named.conf with still cause the
BIND9 server to terminate. You need to find a way to stop those errors
from getting entered into named.conf.

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