Reverse Delegation - RIPE

Simon Waters Simon at
Thu Nov 8 11:45:28 UTC 2001

Odhiambo Washington wrote:
> This message concerns your request for delegation of the zone

>       Couldn't get an SOA record from
>       (

>    Warning 1
>    (4)
>       None of the PTR records found for mapped back to

>       Couldn't get an SOA record from
>       (

This seems pretty straight forward. You must set up the zone on
the servers before requesting the delegation, neither server is
answering for this reverse zone, so the delegation is refused.
This is probably to ensure that the reverse lookups fail
gracefully. If they delegated it, and you never set up the zone,
or got it wrong, things could get messy. RIPE is obliged to do
it's best to ensure that the reverse DNS is in good order, it
says that in the paper work somewhere.

The reverse lookup of address is - since this is a warning I assume you can
ignore it. Although life may be simpler if you keep the
canonical name in agreement with what you tell the registrar.
But it probably requires changing the mail server configuration
to fix it now, so save that one for the long winter nights,
unless it becomes a showstopper.

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