backup mail server

Danny Mayer mayer at
Fri Nov 2 18:57:39 UTC 2001

At 01:08 AM 10/31/01, phrogg wrote:
>;mail server
>    MX 10 mail
>mail   CNAME

Just do this:

;mail server
    MX 10

There's no need for a CNAME here in  the first place.  If the mail server name
changes, you'll have to change the file anyway and why put BIND and the
requesting server through extra hoops to get the address?

>....and it works, as we, with out basic understanding, would expect.  is this
>technically wrong?  is this an oversight/error that Bind v8.2.5 (NT) allows
>and accepts

BIND 8.2.5 on NT works exactly the same as on Unix.

>  (for example, go to a URL with backslashes, such as
>http:\\  or is it technically "acceptable" as far as bind is
>concerned, though bad form?

BIND doesn't know or care what a URL is, and for that matter predates
URL's and the Web by many years.   It never sees it.   The direction of
slashes or anything else in a URL is a matter for the browser.


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