$INCLUDE directive and reloading zones

HAG.Keijzer at mindef.nl HAG.Keijzer at mindef.nl
Thu May 3 15:00:35 UTC 2001

Gentle people who have the knowledge,

In a lab environment, I'm running BIND8-2-3.REL, 282 zones.

A few zones use the $INCLUDE directive to add some extra stuff in the

I noticed when I do an ndc reload that it will ALWAYS reload the zones with
the $INCLUDE directive, and then sent out notifies to the secondary, even if
i didn't increase the serial number, I didn't touch the zone file, and I
didn't touch the file which is included with the $INCLUDE directive.

Is this default behaviour? 
It surely isn't doing what I expected it to do.

Any suggestions/comments/bashing on what I am doing here?

Kind Regards / Met vriendelijke Groet,

Gody Keijzer

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