how can I get rid of

Michael McQuarrie metrismq at
Mon May 7 22:51:42 UTC 2001

I want to get rid of all together.  How can
I do this?  Here is what I have set-up for my logging.
 This is probably way overkill and there is probably a
1 liner that can do it...BUT...I dont know it. 
Hopefully you do.  Thanks for any help.

   logging {
            channel default_debug {
                  file "/usr/local/admin/logs/dns.log"
versions 2 size 5m
                  severity dynamic
                  print-severity yes;
                  print-category yes;
                  print-time yes;

            channel dns_error {
"/usr/local/admin/logs/dns_error.log" size 5m;
                  severity critical ;
                  print-category yes;
                  print-time yes;
            channel zone_xfer {
"/usr/local/admin/logs/dns_zxfer.log" size 5m;
                  severity dynamic
                  print-category yes;
                  print-time yes;
            channel dns_stat {
"/usr/local/admin/logs/dns_stat.log" size 5m;
                  severity dynamic
                  print-category yes;
                  print-time yes;
            channel dns_query {
"/usr/local/admin/logs/dns_query.log" versions 2 size
                  severity dynamic
                  print-category yes;
                  print-time yes;
            channel null {

            category default          { default_debug
; dns_error ; } ;
            category config           { null ; } ;
            category parser           { dns_error ; }
            category queries          { dns_query ; }
            category lame-servers     { null ; } ;
            category statistics       { dns_stat ; } ;
            category panic            { dns_error ; }
            category update           { null ; } ;
            category ncache           { null ; } ;
            category xfer-in          { zone_xfer ; }
            category xfer-out         { zone_xfer ; }
            category db               { null ; } ;
            category eventlib         { null ; } ;
            category packet           { null ; } ;
            category notify           { null ; } ;
            category cname            { null ; } ;
            category security         { dns_error ; }
            category os               { dns_error ; }
            category insist           { null ; } ;
            category maintenance      { null ; } ;
            category load             { zone_xfer ; }
            category response-checks  { null ; } ;

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