loggin in a chrooted environment.

Fabiola Caceres fabiola at infi.net
Mon May 7 01:34:16 UTC 2001

I need help. When I tried to kill named to turn on logging I get an error
and named stops. I'm running chrooted named and I start with the following
#./named -u named -t /opt/chroot/

# pgrep named
# kill -USR1 28514
# couldn't open null channel

Here is my logging statement from my named.conf

        loggin {
                 channel my_file {
                        file "/opt/chroot/var/log/log.msgs";
                        severity dynamic;
                        print-category yes;
                        print-severity yes;
        category drfault { default_syslog; my_file; };
        category panic  { default_syslog; my_file; };
        category packet { /opt/chroot/var/log/my_file; };
        category eventlib       { my_file; };
        category queries        { my_file; };
        category default        { null; };
                channel null { null; };

Please help,
thank you,

Fabiola Caceres
InfiNet Hostmaster
Systems Group
fabiola at infi.net

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