Allow named-xfer's through firewalls

Derek Balling dredd at
Sat May 5 14:48:25 UTC 2001

So I'm trying to figure out what the deal is. My secondary was unable 
to retrieve axfr's even though I'd enabled unfettered access to port 
53 via udp or tcp.

So I did some digging and found that the named-xfer requests (he runs 
8.2.3, I run 9.1.x) were going from high-port to high-port, on 
essentially random ports.

So I had to open up "all traffic" from the secondary's IP address. 
It's interesting to note that my OTHER secondary, is ALSO running 
8.2.3 (I think), without any problem.

What am I (or the secondary with issues) doing wrong, and how can it be fixed?


Filtered packets:

May  4 20:21:10 minbar kernel: Packet log: input REJECT eth0 PROTO=17 L=40 S=0x00 I=45320 F=0x0000 T=1 
May  4 20:21:10 minbar kernel: Packet log: input REJECT eth0 PROTO=17 L=40 S=0x00 I=45321 F=0x0000 T=1 
May  4 20:21:10 minbar kernel: Packet log: input REJECT eth0 PROTO=17 L=40 S=0x00 I=45322 F=0x0000 T=1 

| dredd at  | "Conan! What is best in life?"          |
|  Derek J. Balling   | "To crush your enemies, see them        |
|                     |    driven before you, and to hear the   |
|                     |    lamentation of their women!"         |

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