Dynamic updates with bind 9.1.1

David Horky david at mis-cds.com
Tue May 1 22:26:28 UTC 2001

Hello everybody,

I'm trying to configure dynamic updates with bind 9.1.1 compiled from sources on
Mandrake 7.2

here what I do:

1. Generate a key

./dnssec-keygen -a HMAC-MD5 -b 128 -n USER mykey.

2. move both generated files to /tmp dir

3. trying a testing update
./nsupdate -d -k /tmp/Kmykey.+157+06650.key
(or ./nsupdate -d -k /tmp/Kmykey.+157+06650.private - same results)
> update add .....

and nsupdate finds correctly the details of zone

but then fails with:

dns_request_getresponse: tsig verify failure

without touching the master server of that zone.


it looks like nsupdate does not like the generated key by dnssec-keygen.

I'm probably missing something important - I would be really glad if someone
could point me to the right direction.



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