Jay Nugent jjn at
Tue May 1 18:21:04 UTC 2001


On Tue, 1 May 2001, Bob Villa wrote:

> How do you use this file.  I have run "perl
> named.boot" but this creates no output file.

   This has been a pet peeve of mine.  I am of the belief that a script
should TELL the user the correct syntax of the commands it expects or
accepts...  The authors of don't agree with me and think
everyone should be a programmer and read the source code... :-(

   You have to tell '' where the INPUT will come from and
where the OUTPUT belongs and what it will be called.  You do this with the
redirect options '<' and '>', that direct Standard Input and Standard
Output.  Here's how the command should look:

  cd into the directory where '' resides, -OR- include
the full path to the command.

 /path-to-script/ < /etc/named.boot > /etc/named.conf

   This will read in '/etc/named.boot', process it, and write its output
to '/etc/named.conf'.  

   Hope this helps you (and others that have been tripped up by this),

      --- Jay 
| Jay Nugent   jjn at    (734)971-1076    (734)971-4529/Fax        |
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