libbind problem...

Popescu, Adrian Adrian.Popescu at
Thu May 31 20:01:46 UTC 2001

I could not find this in the archive, so here it is:
I encoutered the following problem with libbind on Windows NT, BIND 8.2.3:
at startup, when the dll is loaded, the dll is not properly initialized and
DllMain, InitSockets fails because WSAStartup fails, and this happens
because the Windows sockets library is not loaded at the time libbind is
loaded. In this case, LoadLibrary call should be decoupled from WSAStartup.
Hence, this is what I ended up doing: I exported InitLibBIND, a wrapper
function for InitSockets and have libbind clients call this function before
doing anything else.
My question is this: is there any fix for this available in later releases?
Adrian Popescu

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