nslookup from WinNT machine

Brad Knowles brad.knowles at skynet.be
Tue May 29 20:34:16 UTC 2001

At 3:13 PM -0400 5/29/01, Kevin Darcy wrote:

>>>  Well, I don't maintain HINFO or WKS records, is that a sign of my
>>>  negligence or ignorance?
>>  no, they are not needed to be a good 'netizen'. PTR records are.
>  Seems rather arbitrary to me.

	Not really.  RFC 1123 (STD 0003) effectively deprecates WKS in 
sections 5.2.12 and  RFC 2219 (BCP 0017) recommends a 
particular set of naming conventions to largely replace WKS in 
real-world practical use.

	However, I have not yet found any more formal deprecation of WKS 
records.  If anyone knows of such, I would appreciate hearing about 

	HINFO records have been deprecated in practice for a while now, 
but I'm having some difficulty finding out exactly when that started 
happening, and if that fact has been written down anywhere 

	I can tell you that if you look at the HINFO section of RFC 1700 
(the latest Assigned Numbers RFC, also STD 0002), you will see that 
the officially approved list of names is quite ancient (that's 
because the standard hasn't been updated since 1994), and you are 
referred to 
<ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/iana/assignments/machine-names> for the 
latest version.

	I'm trying to download this file now, but I imagine that it 
probably hasn't been touched since 1994 either, and that would mean 
that the HINFO record has been effectively deprecated since then -- 
actually, the time stamp on this file is Monday, February 19, 1996, 
but that's effectively the same thing.

Brad Knowles, <brad.knowles at skynet.be>

/*        efdtt.c  Author:  Charles M. Hannum <root at ihack.net>          */
/*       Represented as 1045 digit prime number by Phil Carmody         */
/*     Prime as DNS cname chain by Roy Arends and Walter Belgers        */
/*                                                                      */
/*     Usage is:  cat title-key scrambled.vob | efdtt >clear.vob        */
/*   where title-key = "153 2 8 105 225" or other similar 5-byte key    */

dig decss.friet.org|perl -ne'if(/^x/){s/[x.]//g;print pack(H124,$_)}'

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