FW: messagee class could not be determined

Ivy Wang ivy at icebergmedia.com
Tue May 29 19:41:39 UTC 2001

I just changed my desktop ip, but I still get those message in log.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ivy Wang 
Sent: May 29, 2001 2:19 PM
To: bind-users at isc.org
Subject: messagee class could not be determined


I keep getting message in log :

Cleint here -message class counld not be

I checked archives, and found some people had the same problem as me,
but didn't see a helpful answer.

Both master and slave server are bind9.1.0, and they are running fine
until May 23 I found above message in log. BTW, it's my desktop IP
address, weird?

Any help would be appreciated. Thx a lot.


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