Slave and SOA

Michael McQuarrie metrismq at
Tue May 22 13:40:48 UTC 2001

Hello all...need some advice...
I need to set up a slave server that can change the
SOA to point to itself in the event that the primary
server goes down.  This slave server has to be able to
change the zone data if the primary goes down.  

The purpose of all of this is because our web servers
are located in the same general location as our DNS
server.  The secondary would be located 600 miles
away.  In the event of some disaster the primary DNS
server would be down and the web servers would not be
able to respond to the addresses that the secondary
server would be giving out.  So I will need to change
the addresses to point to a small web sever at the
same location as the secondary DNS server that can
display a splash page that will let everyone know that
the site is temporarily down.

Thanks for any help!

Michael McQuarrie

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