User of threads in BIND?

Steve Snyder swsnyder at
Sat May 19 06:39:47 UTC 2001


I am running BIND v9.1.x on RedHat Linux v7.1.  My observation is that
only one of the BIND threads is being used.  My "ps axf" output looks 
like this:

  594 ?        S      0:00 named -u named
  621 ?        S      0:00  \_ named -u named
  623 ?        S      0:03      \_ named -u named
  626 ?        S      0:00      \_ named -u named
  627 ?        S      0:00      \_ named -u named

Note how one of the threads is using CPU time and the others 
apparently are not.

This is on a lightly loaded box.  If the BIND v9 scheme is to use 
thread n+1 only when thread n is busy, then I can understand what's 
happening.  If the scheme is a round-robin algorithm, then I'm puzzled
as to what going on.

Clarification, please?


*** Steve Snyder ***

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