non-query socket errors coming to port 53

Jim Reid jim at
Thu May 17 19:26:04 UTC 2001

>>>>> "susan" == susan hall <suehall at> writes:

    susan> 17-May-2001 13:21:17.922 refused query on non-query socket
    susan> from [].1554

    susan> But all the servers here running named send queries on port
    susan> 53, without these errors.  All are configured with the
    susan> query-source address set.

Are you sure about that? What's in the name server logs at start-up or
after a reload? How about running lsof on named to check what files
and sockets it is actually using?

The above error message implies that the name server is not using port
53 when it makes outgoing queries. It's complaining because it's
getting queries on the socket (port number) it is using. The default
behaviour in BIND[89] is to use a random unprivileged port number when
querying other name servers. tese queries are *sent* to port 53
obviously. Nothing should be sending data to that outbound query port
number. So it looks like you haven't set up query-source
correctly. And there's probably something doing a port scan of your
name server. When it sends something to the port number that the name
server is using for its outbound queries, the server logs this
message, believing the data it got was a query, whether it was a DNS
query or not.

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