Syslog configuration

Jim Reid jim at
Thu May 17 12:10:01 UTC 2001

>>>>> ""Enrico" == "Enrico Matteucci <- Marcheonline" <enrico at>> writes:

    Enrico> Hello!  How can I configure BIND 9.1.2 on my Linux server
    Enrico> to write all log messages by syslog in only one file.

You can't. The log messages when the name server starts are sent to
LOG_DAEMON of syslog. This is compiled into the code. The server does
this so that the messages at start-up are guaranteed go to a
well-known place. If it didn't do this, where could the name server
report syntax errors in a logging{} statement? Once named.conf has
been read successfuly, a BIND9 server will log according to how this
was set up in the file's logging{} statement.

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